
Saturday, March 19, 2016

"The thing"

*** This actually happened a few months ago, but I never posted it and just found it again the other day

The other day several kids on my team decided to create "the thing". There were only a select few who had the privilege of knowing what "the thing" was. It was created at training one day when our team was divided into two groups on a run. One group ran slightly faster and the other slightly slower. The faster group, who I will refer to as "Group A" came up with the thing and quite sadly I was a member of "Group B". I did not get the luxury of knowing what this so-called thing was.

I learned about the thing at the next practice, which was weights. One of the girls in group b (my group) came running up to me yelling what's the thing and I was sitting there like what thing? She told me that there was some thing and no one would tell her what it was. Of course I didn't know what it was either, so I went up to Victoria and was like do you know what the thing is? And she responded "No, but I just heard about it" So we went around and asked everyone what it was. Every one in Group B had no clue what it was, and everyone in Group A wouldn't crack. Victoria and I decided that we needed to get them alone. So, we went to the person we thought would be most likely to crack. We cornered him and demanded an answer. He still wouldn't tell us.

We spent all of the next day at school going mad trying to figure out what the thing was. We were coming up with all of these theories. We started questioning whether it was actually anything? Maybe it was nothing that they just called "the thing" to mess with us. Then we thought this was some kind of hazing, but we then realized that some of the seniors were in Group B, so it couldn't be targeted just at the freshmen. We went absolutely crazy that was all we talked about for hours. We probably spent 5 hours trying to figure it out. Big shocker we couldn't figure it out. So, the next day at training we asked everyone again. Still no response. I was so frustrated, my mind was entirely occupied by "the thing", I thought of nothing else.

The day after that we asked one of the seniors "What is the thing, we been going crazy trying to figure it out" she told us the thing and we both sat there like really that's it. The thing was that Group A was messing with a senior in Group B who puts check marks next to each workout she has done. They would add check marks and erase check marks to mess with her. In the end it turned out not to be a big deal to us that is (the senior freaked out a little)  So moral of the story, if you have a secret "thing" and two people are dying to know what it is and it isn't about them, just tell them. And if you are a victim of "the thing" it probably doesn't concern you, so don't go crazy.

Every single time she does a weight workout... Photo credits

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