
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Dear, "Famous" Person

For this week's English assignment, we had to write a blog post directed at our "ideal reader".  This person should be famous and an expert in their field. Honestly, my ideal reader is my friends and my English teacher. If I had to choose someone "famous" to write to, it would be Jessie Diggins. Jessie Diggins competed in the 2014 Sochi Olympics for cross-country skiing.

Dear, Jessie Diggins

I doubt you know this, but we have actually met a few times. Before you begin to think I am some creepy stalker, I actually met you at fast and female (fast and female is an event that girls ages 6-18 can go to and meet/talk to famous female winter olympians) last year and the year before that.

I always knew that you were a great skier, but I didn't truly understand why until I met you. You were so good because you were willing to work hard to accomplish your goal. You knew what you wanted and what you had to do in order to get there. You are an amazing skier and it is so inspirational to see you skiing so well.

It isn't just your ability that I find inspiring, but also your bond with your team. The U.S. women's cross-country ski team has done so well in the past few years. Not only has your team placed well, but you also have a strong friendship with all of your teammates. The videos that your team has made inspires (mostly entertains) everyone I know who skis (so basically just my ski team). My ski team will always talk about the videos your team makes and how inspiring it is to see how close everyone on your team is.

I also admire how excited you are every time you win. I know many people who will win races and not even blink an eye because that's what they always assume is going to happen. I will see pictures of you on the podium and you always look so happy to be doing what you are doing (and doing well too).

See what I mean... (photo courtesy of her blog)

You are also very thankful of the people who helped you get to where you are today. When I was reading your blog post about your win at the world cup, you were sure to thank the people who waxed your skis and coach.

I am aware there is probably only a .000001%  you'll ever read this, but if you ever did I would just like to say how inspiring you are to aspiring cross-country skiers.  If you ever happened to stubble upon my blog, I would hope that it would remind you of what it was like to be a young cross country skier again.

- Claire

1 comment:

  1. I like how you stated that she isn't really your ideal reader, but since your ideal reader had to be famous you chose her. Nice job :-)
