
Friday, May 13, 2016

Goodbye blogging...

Blogging this year has been quite the journey. When I first heard that we were going to be blogging, lets just I was slightly less than ecstatic. I mean who wants to write about their life and then post it on the internet for everyone to read. A lot has happened since I first started blogging: I build a cardboard boat, I broke my phone so badly that you couldn't see anything on it, I took my first AP test, I went trapezing, I rebroke my phone, but this time somehow managed to fix it and I wrote a blog. Let's start at the beginning and talk about the evolution of my blog.

The first problem that I faced with blogging was what to write about. After going back and forth about what to write about, I finally settled on cross-country skiing. My second problem was how often we needed to post to our blogs. I was pretty confident that my life was nowhere near interesting enough to write about something different every week. When I chose cross-country skiing, I thought it would actually be pretty easy to write about because I came home everyday with a different story to tell someone. I soon realized that I couldn't write about all of my stories (you can't really have a blog about the latest ski team gossip).

Later in the year I started to figure out what I wanted to write about. I began to write more and more about the interesting things that happened to me. Even though, I wrote about some things that were not ski related (i.e. engineering & geoguesser), I was proud that I was able to stick to my theme most of the time. I learned a lot about blogging and just writing in general. 

I can honestly say now that I have had a great year blogging. My favorite part (sadly) was actually blog stalking kids in our grade and a few kids on my ski team (yes, I found a few seniors on my ski team's 9th blog, I was very dedicated). I am aware that it sounds very creepy, but I was just very curious as to what other people were writing about. I follow a lot of blogs and I feel like I have gotten to know a lot of people through their blogs. I hope that people have gotten to know me a little better after reading my blog. 

I have learned a lot about writing as well. I've learned how to write a narrative story that is (hopefully) entertaining to others. When I go back and read my first posts, I can see how much I've improved. My first posts were short (word wise), but felt like they were going on and on forever. I feel like my posts now are longer (word wise), but also more captivating. I am excited to look back (and cringe) on this blog in three years when I am a senior to see how I have changed. 

Today, I feel like I am a better writer and I honestly enjoyed blogging. Thanks for reading my blog. Oh and yes this will probably be my last post on this blog, but who knows I might get motivated and decide to start again. 

Goodbye for now... Photo courtesy of Julie Shipman
(From left to right: Rachael, Lucie, Josie, Aysia, Me, The other Claire)

- Claire 

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