
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

How Nordic Skiers Waste Time... (Nordic Conversations #2)

My cross-country ski team had a race a few weeks ago in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. We left at 8:00 am on Thursday and raced Friday and Saturday. The trip was interesting to say the least, especially the five hour bus ride.

Early Thursday morning my entire ski team loaded our stuff in a van and chose our seats for the next five hours. Three of my friends and I wanted to sit together on the bus and there was only one row with four seats, so we decided to claim that row for ourselves. That was a terrible mistake. Everyone loaded all of their cross-country skis into the van and little did we know that they all hung over the tops of our seats. I spent the first two hours of the drive sitting in a very uncomfortable position trying not to get hit in the head with ski bags. Once we were out of cell range (yes, I am aware how bad that sounds and no we are not entirely phone dependent people) my friend Victoria and I decided that we should look through our camera rolls on our phones to kill time. Her camera roll was full of cool, artsy pictures and mine was just screenshots of things I sent my friends (yes, I am THAT person).

The picture we stopped to take... Photo courtesy of moi. 

When we stopped to take pictures, I decided that I was going to move up a row, so I wasn't getting hit in the head with the very annoying ski bags. There was only one person in the row in front of me, so I decided to sit there. That was interesting because we didn't really talk...  I was just awkwardly sitting there on my phone, but I didn't have service so I just stared at my lock screen for almost an hour. Eventually, a group of kids on my team decided to play cards and the only card game all of us know how to play is BS. So, that was what we played. I was a little skeptical of playing BS because the last time I played with the team, I lost and ended up losing a bet (that I did not know about) too. Anyway, we played BS for an hour or so and then went back to doing our own thing. Oh and I won one round by the way, so you know that was fun...

30 or so minutes later one of the girls starts telling us a hypothetical scenario. She is setting the stage for us and begins her story. She said "Ok, so imagine you are biking to college..." She was immediately cut off by almost everyone listening because why would you be biking to college? Anyway she continues her story, "So, you are actually on a tandem bike with a murder". Again her logic was flawed and everyone made sure she knew that (why would you ever be on a tandem bike with a murderer?) She continued on again "You arrive at a gas station (we all asked why you would be at a gas station if you were on a bike, so she changed it to a gun show), ok fine you arrive a gun show" Very questioningly we said "Ok..." and she continued on "What do you do?". So, to summarize you somehow end up at a gun show with a murder who is trying to kill you. What do you do? Most of the kids on our team said that they would run and take a gun for possible protection.

Before you begin questioning our mental health (more specifically my friend's), I would just like to say that... Actually I have no real explanation for my friend's hypothetical scenario. Anyway, that was the story of our five hour bus ride to Jackson Hole. Check back for another post about the rest of the trip soon!

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