
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Ski, Sleep, Race, Repeat

The other weekend when my cross-country ski team went to Jackson Hole, Wyoming for a ski race. Once, we arrived we unloaded all of our gear from the van and got our room assignments from our coach. We were staying at the antler inn, a small motel 30 minutes away from the race course. I was staying with Victoria and Sydney (another girl on my team). We went to look at the race course 30ish minutes later. There was only one problem we looked at the wrong course.

We got back and unpacked all our stuff. Again, we faced another problem, we had two beds and three girls. In the end we decided to push the beds together, so that each person would have more room. Then came the problem of decided who had to sleep in the middle. We decided to handle it like we handle all other problems, rock, paper, scissors. Victoria ended up losing, so she got the middle that night and I took it the next.

Later that night, after we had all waxed our skis, we went out to dinner at a pizza place. However, Mila (another girl on my team) and I were still waxing our skis when they left for dinner. A few of the older kids on the team knew how to get there, so they waited for us and then we walked over. We got there and had to sit at a table by ourselves because the rest of the team didn't save us a table (thanks guys). Anyway, we ate pizza and went back to our hotel rooms.

The next day was race day. The first race was an individual start (meaning that everyone starts 15 - 30 seconds apart) and it was classic (the one that looks like walking). I remember thinking that the race was really difficult and I believe that I ended up getting 15th (maybe 16th).

After the race, our coach drove us out of town to go goat ( possibly sheep) watching. We spent almost an hour looking at the goats (possibly sheep) and they came up to the side of our van, which was cool. Our one problem was that Kate, Mila and I wanted to go see the new Star Wars movie at 4:00 and it was 3:30. We ended up making it back just in time to go see the movie with some of the other kids on our team.

The goats or sheep (no one really knows) Photo Courtesy of me 

The girls who saw the movie liked, but the guys hated it and thought it was too predictable. Anyway, we went straight from the movie to a Thai food place (Thai Me Up). It seemed inevitable that we would go to a Thai place at least once on this trip because of the abundance of Thai restaurants in Jackson. I'm not joking there were probably six Thai places in this tiny little town. I am not particularly fond of Thai food, so I was not stoked to say the least. Kate and I happened to order really spicy food (mostly Kate) and could hardly finish the meal.

Kate, Mila and I had not waxed our skis yet, so we tried to leave early to get a head start on waxing, but none of the older kids would let us leave (they waxed their skis when we saw the movie). They told us it was team bonding or something like that, so we wasted five minutes of precious waxing time arguing with them. We ran back to the hotel to go wax our skis only to find our that they put away everything we needed to wax with. We ran up to our coaches' room to ask him what wax to use and ended up ranting about the whole thing to one of our coaches for about ten minutes (thanks for putting up with our rants).

Anyway the next day was a skate mass start race (mass start is when everyone starts at once). Kate and I were neck and neck the entire race, which was good because I think it pushed both of us to go harder. I ended up getting 13th in that race, which I was really happy about. However, some of my teammates ended up getting hurt. One girls dislocated her shoulder and another kid sprained his lcl (which apparently is in your knee). Both of them are doing much better now. On the other hand, many of my teammates got on the podium and had awesome races (shoutout to Julia, Sydney, Leah, Skylar, Mila and whoever else I missed). Everyone else did really good as well!

A picture of my ski team after our last race. Photo Courtesy of my mom

All in all it was a good trip and I can't wait for our next race in Boise.


  1. Your title is literally the best description of being on a ski team. Nice job at the race!

  2. All your teammates are dropping like flies! I hope you stay safe on those races! P.S nice job on getting 13th place!

  3. I also really liked the new Star Wars movie, even though a lot of people said it was just like the previous ones. Good luck in XC!
